Hello this webiste is fans of the threes stooges anyone is welcome

link to my channel: Maro lugi.

Helloeveryone!!!im a fan of the three stoooges my faverite stooge is moe and shemp and larry and curly!!

Mad moe:

i been a fan of the stooges since it pop up in my feed!

it alomst my brithday

Feb 27:i talk here and speak my mine if im doing it right? eh but today my school had to go to this assbly it suck, also school is fine and all but at least im not giving up

Feb 28:so i went to school as usal and i had to leave early for the desntist ugh i dont know how to spell anyways bye

March 2:Hello Everyone i hope everything is well i know for me is kinda good i had the weirdest dream i think like an attack and thats it well my dreams can be little strange

March 18:Hello everyone how is are yo uall doing? for me im fine school is boring but i need it to leave it

    To do list
  1. Doing homework
  2. Resting
  3. sleeping
  4. Sleeping again
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